MiQ EMEA标志着心理健康周


文化, 健康, 工作生活






To raise mental health awareness and drive action for EMEA MiQers, DEI和Talent团队协同工作, 分享知识和专业知识. 我们在伦敦举办了区域性的活动, 曼彻斯特, 德国和迪拜办事处将于5月底开业. The aim was to raise awareness of mental health in the workplace and bring us together as a collective.


We set out to normalise intersectional conversations around mental health. 作为其中的一部分, we wanted to find new ways to engage with MiQers and connect teams to each other and their line manager. +, we wanted to elevate the role of our Mental Health First Aiders, our Employee Assistance Programme which provides mental health and wellbeing support, and NABS which is the support organisation for the advertising and media industry.

We wanted all of this to further support our EMEA Mental Health Conversation Circles, which were devised by Ally Tyger-Doyle in Bloom UK's 2020/ 2021 The Exchange, 并于2022年被带到MiQ. They are safe spaces designed for people to drive dialogue and action around identity, 团队的文化和包容性.

Our DEI Conversation Circles are optional and more informal than our global DEI 培训, 所以我们想要提高人们的意识和参与度. Teams who took part saw an increase in our annual survey in the areas we asked about mental health by over 20 percentage points.


打乱节奏, we decided to talk about mental health on days that aren't dedicated to awareness. At the end of May 2023, we had three short sessions running for 45 minutes to suit the busy MiQer. We know that people can be sceptical of seeing real change and action, 所以我们确保了整个2023年心跳持续.

在我们的第一次会议上,我们邀请了NABS. They were re-established as a primary source of external support. We then discussed optimism and mental health in the workplace and got our creative juices flowing with designer June Mineyama-Smithson. We were keen to offer MiQers a creative outlet and bring a different angle to mental health. 另外,我们知道这会激发人们的好奇心并鼓励人们的支持.

Finally, we highlighted how helpful little breaks and getting outside can be. Thanks to our local planting committee - Stem iQ - we got busy planting seeds. It brought some much-needed greenery and wildlife to our London terrace. 

All these sessions provoked the teams into thinking about how they can support themselves, 和其他人.

Can you tell us about the practical steps you took to set it up?

We galvanised support from our Global Wellbeing Director, local leadership team, and team leads. 这得到了我们当地DEI战略计划的支持, which is backed by local internal data and our UK ‘All In Census’ data, 向企业证明投资的必要性. For maximum impact, we made sure it was a collaborative DEI and Talent initiative. It was important to get line managers and department heads on side, 允许他们的团队“来”并腾出时间.


Following the results of our annual engagement and inclusion survey, 当地DEI和HR团队都热衷于试水. We had initial success after hosting a MiQ plan on men’s mental health in November. 这是和马克·桑福德合作的, 《彩乐园dsn》的作者, and it was a great chance to engage with men in a different way, 鼓励开放和脆弱.

It quickly became one of our highest-attended local DEI Speaker Series sessions locally in 2022. We wanted to build on this momentum and not let it stand in isolation.



因为这是EMEA的一大战略重点, 我们在当地的DEI预算中为这个项目制定了预算. 由于EMEA已经支持NABS, we didn’t need to work too hard to convince our leadership team to provide the right level of investment.

We worked in a smart way, finding ways to utilise the resources we had internally (like Stem iQ). 我们知道,MiQers会对MiQers领导的计划做出回应, 因此,与当地种植团队的合作至关重要.



在我们五月份的活动和会议之后, we’d had more teams nd managers reach out for more dedicated support. We’ve also seen an increased uptake of DEI Conversation Circles that are focused on mental health - by as much as 40% in H2 2023.

When our annual engagement and inclusion survey comes out later this year, we hope this will highlight how our efforts have empowered MiQers and made long-lasting change.



  • Bitesize sessions (quick but often) are more effective in engaging an already busy team.
  • Engaging senior leadership is essential to ensure buy-in at all levels.
  • Utilising social groups which are already established are key to elevating their own community and supporting business ambitions.

How will you make the benefit of this initiative or campaign endure?

We’re already planning what's happening next and working globally to ensure we’re in sync with the global strategy. Our local work utilising EMEA DEI Conversation Circles will be connected with this year's main global focus on mental health. 这是保持专注的关键方法.




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支持连接而不是点击. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.




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