

2023年,我们启动了一个 长期运动 to help marketers rediscover the joy of digital advertising, by hiring a new 首席数字啦啦队长,乔伊. 另一个第一次, we quantified the value of the digital advertising industry to the UK’s economy, 企业和人通过释放 数字红利 报告.

我们增加了连接电视和零售媒体到我们的 这是迄今为止最大的数字前沿, 有伊丽莎白·戴这样的人物吗, 凯撒酋长和阿西姆·乔杜里, 和 - as AI burst into the mainstream - we turned the focus of 参与2023年 对人工智能. The Government’s Online Advertising Taskforce - of which IAB UK is a member - 公布行动计划 detailing how industry 和 government will collaborate to address illegal advertising 和 further protect children from harmful ads.

The IAB dsn彩乐园网址 forms a key part of the Taskforce’s Action Plan, with the initiative 提振 this year to further crack down on scam ads 和 ad fraud. 在其他地方,我们推出了环境保护计划 可持续性的常见问题; set off on a 圆桌路演 to bring MPs, local business leaders 和 regional press together; 帮助我们的成员准备 for the deprecation of third-party cookies in 2024; 和 heard members’ views on everything from the rise of retail media to the power of emotion in advertising on IAB英国播客.

读一本 回顾这一年的全部 来自我们的首席执行官乔恩·纽.

Full IAB / PwC Digital Adspend figures for H1 2023 =  £13.8bn


In 2022, the industry came back together IRL at a host of IAB events. 领导峰会 returned to Sopwell House 第一次 since 2020 和 our flagship conference 参与 moved to a new home - The Londoner - with TikTok trainspotting star Francis Bourgeois headlining the agenda. 我们还推出了 最后星期四俱乐部 - a monthly networking event - to give IAB members a regular opportunity to get together in person.

When it came to our policy 和 regulatory affairs work, the Online Advertising Programme (OAP) was 2022年的核心焦点. We responded to the Government’s initial consultation on the OAP 和 continued to work with our members to ensure industry had a voice in the process.

与我们的会员一起工作, other significant launches in 2022 included: updates to the dsn彩乐园网址 to widen the remit of who can be certified; the IAB可持续发展术语; our 首届零售媒体圆桌会议; 和 与CTV相关的关键定义.

Full IAB / PwC Digital Adspend figures for 2022 =  £26.10亿美元(同比增长11%).


2021 saw a lot of change in the digital ad industry, 和 at the IAB too. 彩乐园dsn 冒险进入…的世界 游戏 和 播客,我们推出了 网络学习平台, making all 培训 complimentary for IAB UK members, we resurrected our 真实生活研究 和领袖高峰会 数字信任论坛 了虚拟.

我们的 领导系列 featured speakers such as Alastair Campbell 和 Ruth Davidson for keynotes 和 roundtables throughout the year. 与此同时, preparation for a cookie-less future was front of mind across the industry in 2021 as Google 延长cookie的截止日期 to 2023.

完整的IAB / PwC 2021年彩乐园dsn支出数据= 23英镑.50亿美元(同比增长41%).


为了应对大流行,我们创建了 IAB UK Connected, which pulled together insights 和 resources from across the industry to share how all of us had adapted to the situation.

我们的旗舰活动变成了 保持忙碌 一年的虚拟活动以 彩乐园dsn,主持人正是奥普拉!

我们还发布了我们的推动了’ research into small businesses 和 worked with over 30 of our members to adapt this into an interactive 中小企业网上工具 - to help them unlock more value from digital advertising.

最后, dsn彩乐园网址 was updated to strengthen the criteria 和 more advertisers announced their support for the initiative. Plus, our policy work continued apace as we responded to the Government’s consultation on a HFSS在线广告禁令.

2020年IAB / PwC彩乐园dsn支出数据= 16英镑.5bn (5.同比增长0%).


这是真正的手机之年 移动广告支出超过了桌面广告 第一次. 2019年也预示着我们的成立 全国反点击率日,创建于 温柔地指出 that marketers had become a bunch of ‘clickheads’ by being too reliant on CTR as a metric. 该活动的重点是将行业导向我们的 测量工具 对于备选策略.

我们释放了 包容、多元化和公平 agenda, while Podcast Upfronts launched with top talent Jessie Ware 和 James O’Brien.

Full IAB / PwC Digital Adspend figures for 2019 =  £15.69bn (15.同比增长4%).


广告客户在数字渠道上的支出从8英镑增长.从1997年(IAB成立之时)的100万英镑降至13英镑.2018年440亿美元. You can track over 20 years of Adspend data via the Adspend分析器 在这里.

Jon Mew (IAB UK’s current CEO) took over from Guy Phillipson in 2017, introducing a vision to ‘Build a sustainable future for digital advertising’. In 2023, this purpose evolved to ‘Bringing the digital ad industry together to build a better future, 每个人的.

IAB英国播客 和 彩乐园dsn were both launched during this period, 和 have grown to become stalwarts of IAB UK’s current offering. 多年来, 前排发言人包括费恩·科顿, Jon Sopel, 和 Katherine Ryan while the 播客 is now on season 14 (和 counting). 参与, our flagship conference, started in 2005, with speakers from Bill Gates to Stephen Fry.

金本位制 launched in 2017 following a high-profile br和 safety investigation that revealed advertisers had unwittingly been appearing alongside illegal content online. The core aims of the first iteration of the dsn彩乐园网址 were to address ad fraud via the implementation of IAB Tech Labs’ ads.文本文件, br和 safety via TAG’s Br和 Safety Certification 和 improving the user experience by adhering to The Coalition for Better Ads’ advertising 标准. 从那以后,《彩乐园dsn》就一直如此 不断发展和加强 - becoming a key part of the Government’s Online Advertising Taskforce Action Plan in 2023. 了解更多.



支持连接而不是点击. Capture audiences' imaginations, not just their attention. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.