跨行业项目工作组 announces strategy to achieve financial audit transparency

贴在 2022年2月23日星期三 | IAB UK

The 跨行业项目工作组 (小组), 代表广告商, 出版商, 广告技术供应商和代理商, has today released the first set of outputs to address the lack of transparency in the programmatic advertising supply chain

这一消息标志着ISBA发布后向前迈出了重要一步 程序化供应链透明度研究,与AOP合作,由普华永道于2020年5月进行.

透明度研究, 它关注的是公开的媒体收购, 结果显示,它只能匹配12%的广告印象, 端到端, with an average of 15% of supply chain costs (ad spend) unattributable (the ‘unknown delta’.) The report highlighted a lack of standardised data across different suppliers and permission issues between Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) and Supply Side Platforms (SSPs).

To enable advertisers and 出版商 to act on their existing rights to financial audits of their programmatic supply chains - with the aim to ultimately reduce the size of the unknown delta - the initial work of the Taskforce focused on access to data and the standardisation of data consistency. 通过广泛的行业合作, 它编制了一个由三种工具组成的工具包,供业界采用:

  • 审计许可函(APL) 旨在使dsp和ssp能够共享全面财务审计所需的数据.
  • 数据字段列表(DFL), an agreed list of essential and supporting data fields which will provide the data to enable auditors to match impressions along the supply chain between advertisers and 出版商.
  • 的原则 概述文件打算如何使用、由谁使用和为什么使用的文件.

The Taskforce is releasing these documents to the industry to ensure every participant can use them for the good of the entire supply chain. 可以从AOP、IAB UK、IPA和ISBA网站下载.

作为工作队需要了解新工具效力的一部分, ISBA’s advertiser members are preparing a controlled test and learn study with PwC from live audits.

As well as good practice learning and aggregating findings to share with the Taskforce to manage refinements, this will also deliver evidence to demonstrate expected improvements in match rates and, 因此,减少了“未知增量”的大小.


Richard Reeves, AOP的总经理  “Now a set of tools has been agreed and created to improve financial audit transparency for programmatic advertising, the next step for us will be to encourage all our members to work with supply chain partners who have agreed to adopt all three instruments. 虽然初步战略已经公布, the Taskforce will continue to evolve and work collectively to drive industry standardisation and facilitate further change - and transparency - in the digital supply chain.”  

艾米丽莱瑟姆, 数字营销和市场技术的临时主管, 第四频道和ISBA绩效和方案指导小组的联合主席 “Being able to conduct a full financial audit of the programmatic supply chain is something Advertisers have been wanting for a long time and will enable them to truly extract the value from this channel and invest with more confidence”

IAB UK首席数字官Tim Elkington: “这套工具, 由各行业共同开发, are a solid step in improving transparency and accountability within the programmatic supply chain. It’s now crucial that businesses start using them so that we can review how effective they are and the impact they have on the ability of advertisers to conduct financial audits across the supply chain. 在过去的几年里, there has been a concerted effort by our ad tech members to address the issues raised in the ISBA/PwC report. 我们与业界共同开发的工具进一步推动了这一进展.”

Index Exchange战略合作伙伴发展高级总监Sara Vincent:This new set of tools are a key advancement in allowing a financial audit of the programmatic supply chain, and we’re proud of the collaborative work carried out across the ecosystem to develop them. 推动行业采用这些工具至关重要. This will bring further transparency across the ecosystem and will contribute to achieving accountability in the supply chain."

奈杰尔·格威廉,国际广播协会媒体事务主任 “就像两年前普华永道的研究一样, our agency members are ready to work hand in glove with their clients to deliver the next set of supply chain financial audits. There is every expectation that developments in the industry since the study will deliver improved match rates and greater clarity."

克莱尔·奥布莱恩,表演部媒体主管 & 有效性、国际海底管理局 “Establishing the means by which it will now be possible to carry out financial audits of the programmatic supply chain is a huge first step forward and testament to the collaborative power of industry stakeholders to drive positive change for the benefit of all. 自我们两年前的研究发现以来, there have been significantly increased impression match rates and commensurate reductions in the unknown delta. We now look forward to thoroughly testing these new tools and continuing to work at industry level with the Taskforce to expand advertiser and publisher’s ability to manage their supply chains.”

山姆·汤姆林森,普华永道英国分公司英国媒体和娱乐主管 “We’ve watched with admiration as the UK industry has come together to respond to the issues identified in the 2020 study, 很高兴能参加英国特别工作组. We’re now excited to play our part in the controlled test-and-learn to assess the impact of the taskforce outputs.”

尼克·阿什利,特易购媒体和活动策划主管这对广告商来说是个好消息. 一段时间以来,特易购一直希望这种透明度. It levels up the programmatic supply chain with other media channels in terms of auditability.”







dsn彩乐园网址的更新 from the 跨行业程序化供应链透明度工作组



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